St Joseph's RC High School
St Joseph's RC High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and young people and, expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment
The governors and staff recognize that:
Global issues are an important part of the lives of our students living in a world where economies are increasingly interdependent and global communication is a daily reality. Our students have access to the internet, watch news stories from around the world as they happen and have an increased opportunity to travel;
The global dimension should be incorporated as an integral part of our curricular and non-curricular work and reflected in the attitudes and values of our students and the ethos of the school.
Our curriculum will reflect our commitment to develop awareness and understanding of the cultures, geography and environment, character and concerns, languages, religions and economic circumstances of people elsewhere in the world and around our locality; to develop an awareness of our place in the world, and recognise our interdependence with the environment and the peoples of the world.
We will aim to enable young people to become successful learners and confident individuals by offering real and relevant learning experiences. We will aim to inspire them to become responsible citizens who are prepared for life in a global society and work in a global economy.
To maintain the International School Award;
To develop each of the eight Key Concepts of the global dimension through all appropriate areas of the curriculum such that there is a global dimension in the learning experiences for all our students. These eight key concepts we recognise as:
1. diversity;
2. conflict resolution;
3. global citizenship;
4. human rights;
5. interdependence;
6. social justice;
7. sustainable development;
8. values and perceptions;
To develop and fully exploit a variety of global learning partnerships. This will include activities such as: