St Joseph's R.C. High School
& Sports College

St Joseph's RC High School

St Joseph's RC High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and young people and, expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment

Regular attendance is the vital ingredient in the provision of effective education.  Ensuring that students do not miss time unnecessarily must be a high priority for all.  Obviously there are occasions when students are not able to attend (usually through illness),but the school strives to ensure that all students achieve the maximum possible attendance.


Careful records are kept, appropriate rewards for full attendance are awarded, and senior staff have responsibility to ensure that any problems that might affect attendance are identified and acted upon as quickly as possible.


Regular attendance is vitally important and we would like to enlist your support in ensuring that your child arrives at school on time.


Students who arrive late after registers have closed may be treated as unauthorised absences.


Students arriving after Registration must sign the Booking In Register kept in the reception office.  This is sent to the Managers of Learning at the end of the week.



telephone call on each day of any absence is compulsory.  A message will be sent to form tutors via email and our electronic registration service by a member of the Administration team. Letters covering an absence should be presented on return, addressed to the Form Tutor.


If a student is absent from registration, a text message will automatically be sent to the student’s parent/guardian.


Unauthorised absence is followed up as a matter of course by form tutors, Managers of Learning, the Director of Student Services and the Early Intervention Keyworker attached to our school.


Leave for medical or dental appointments will be given on the production of an appointment card or a letter from home.


Punctuality is closely monitored by Form Tutors, Managers of Learning, the Director of Student Services and the Bolton Metropolitan Bolton Council Early Intervention Team, whose responsibilities are to work with students, their families and schools to overcome barriers which prevent regular and good attendance.

Attendance and Punctuality