St Joseph's RC High School
St Joseph's RC High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and young people and, expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment
If it is necessary for pupils to bring medicine or tablets into school, please contact Mrs Fielding in Reprographics. Doctor prescribed individual pupil’s medicines are stored under the pupils name, together with the ‘Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicine’ form, signed by parents, in the main school office. Asthma inhalers can be kept on the pupil’s person at all times. Please refer to the policy “Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions” for full information.
Several trained First Aiders are on site to provide attention when necessary. Parents will be contacted if we feel that a student is not fit to remain in school or travel home unsupervised due to illness. Please ensure that emergency contact numbers are kept up to date.
Our School Nurse, Sue Thomas, comes into school every Tuesday.