St Joseph's R.C. High School
& Sports College

St Joseph's RC High School

St Joseph's RC High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and young people and, expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment

Pupil Links

Peer Mediation


School Council

Senior Students


At St Joseph’s, we are extremely proud of all of our talented young people. Many students take part actively in the community and we believe that every child really does matter, which is why we believe so strongly in pupil voice. By our students voicing their opinions and suggestions, we can implement these into greater benefit for the whole community.

In recent surveys, pupils highlighted that they would like to see more benching, more disposal bins and water machines. These requests were taken to the school council and implemented!  Several new benches arrived for the Social Area of the Yard, as well as more disposal bins around our site. New water machines have been installed in the Brady Centre, the Yates Building  and  the corridor of our main site building.

Pupil voice is very much a vehicle for improving Learning and Teaching at St Joseph’s. Teaching staff are trained to regularly check for understanding and ensure that there is no ‘hidden child’ in the classroom. Pupils and staff regularly evaluate their work, and pupils often complete questionnaires in lesson, either formally as a written questionnaire, or informally as a class discussion. This allows for regular review and improved shared understanding. Pupil Voice activities also form part of our Quality Assurance programme and Heads of Department and Senior Leaders will regularly (min 4 times a year) carry out Pupil Voice activities so that we can ensure that the perspective of all members of our community help drive on-going improvement at St Joseph’s.

This is all God wants from You: Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God…

Be Just and Fear Not.  This is what PVSJ (Pupil Voice St. Joseph’s) strongly believe in.