St Joseph’s Mission Team is team is a collaborative ministry which brings together a partnership of people who, through faith, have different gifts and skills to offer. The team is made up of a number of different groups that were traditionally known as, GIFT Team members, Youth SVP and includes Staff members and Parish and wider community representatives.  Our ambition is to make our mission totally inclusive so that instead of there being a small mission group, every member of a school is involved in chaplaincy and some aspect of our mission.  The Mission Team (Chaplaincy team) is made up of:

Mission Facilitator group – taking leadership roles to generate ideas for aspects of our mission.

Liturgical events team – featuring staff and students

ECO group – made up of staff, students and governors

RISE up group – focusing on equality issues in school

Volunteer/service group – featuring opportunities for people to serve others for example:

Activity  Year Group  Description  
Lunchtime Duty Supervisor  Y11  Supervising an allocated area of the school to ensure all students are behaving in the correct manner. Reporting any problems to Senior Leadership Team. 
Mission Team Leader  Year 10-11  Supervising Yr. 7/8 Mission Team members. Sharing ideas and leading meetings. Taking part in initiatives. 
Eco-Schools Leader  Y10-Y11  Running the school eco-committee under the direction of Miss Rushton, holding meetings and taking notes. Assigning actions to be completed. Leading eco-initiatives around school. 
Eco-Schools Member  Y7-Y9  Attending school eco-meetings, sharing ideas. Taking part in eco-initiatives around school.  
Library Lead  Y8-Y9  Running the school library at lunchtimes under the direction of Mrs Roddie. Ensuring the library  
Enrichment Coordinator  Y9-Y10  Leading a P6 Enrichment activity within a department under direction of the Head of Department 
Epraise Shop


Y9-Y10  Running the Epraise shop at break times under the direction of Mrs Holmes.  
School Grounds Development  Y7-Y8  Working with Mrs Rainford on restoring the school garden and developing school grounds 
Site Team Support  Y9-Y11  Working with site team to support in collection of recycling bins from classrooms. Creating innovative solutions to litter and recycling in school. Liaising with Eco-Schools Leaders 
Breakfast Club Leader  Y7-Y11  Running a breakfast club offering a safe and nurturing environment for invited students each morning before school. 
Community Support   Y7-Y11  Working with Mr Singleton and Mrs Horridge on the community Christmas Hampers appeal. Working with Mrs Horridge to help at PSA events where possible. 
Department Ambassador   Y7-Y11  Support HoD with student voice, one-to-one mentoring session to pupils in lower years, help at after school clubs, offer support to transition manager and assist in any activities for year 5&6 

The Mission Team aims to support the practice of living out our school Mission Statement. A group of facilitators made of approximately 30 members collaborate with local clergy, our associated Primary Schools and other groups and committees from our wider community to put faith into action. They work to develop:

  • School Prayer life and Collective Worship
  • Providing support in the delivery of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils across the curriculum
  • Outreach and collaboration with associated Primary Schools
  • Outreach to local, national and international charitable organisations