Pastoral care

Before your child starts at St Joseph’s time is spent getting to know them through by our Transistion Co-ordinator, Miss Durkin / Miss Airey. Our Pastoral system provides the care and guidance to allow them to flourish and grow. Each cohort group has a Head of Year who is responsible for caring for all of the year group.  Each year is split into form groups and your son or daughter will be in one of these groups. Each tutor group is headed by a member of staff who your child will see every morning during registration and whom your child will be with during assemblies and educational days.

Academic year 2024 – 2025

Mrs Weall Head of Year 7

Mr Cartwright Head of Year 8

Mrs Anderton Head of Year 9

Miss Tebay Head of Year 10

Mr Sylvester Head of Year 11

Mrs Guy, Ms Williamson, Mrs Wetherby and Miss Wiggans are student support managers.

The Form Tutor has a key role to play in monitoring pupils’ welfare, going beyond fostering academic progress. Form Tutors contribute towards the content and delivery of the Pastoral Programme and support the Spiritual Life of the child by attending Year Masses, Liturgies and through involvement in Year Assemblies.  The tutors aim to build up self-confidence in the students and encourage them to mix with new classmates.

Our Deputy Headteacher Mrs Yorke-Robinson and Assistant Headteacher Mr Singleton work with all of our Heads of Year and Pastoral Tutors to ensure that your child has the very best of care during their time here at St. Joseph’s.