Whilst we endeavour to ensure that all students have a great experience at St Joseph’s, we acknowledge that we may not always get things right first time every time. If you or your child has a concern please encourage them to share it with their form tutor, class teacher or another member of staff in school. We try to dissuade parents from trying to solve all problems for their child, because this robs the child of the opportunity to resolve things for themselves.
We recognise that on some occasions this might not be possible and you will need to contact school to help facilitate a solution. Please contact the class teacher or form tutor in the first instance who will get back to you as soon as they are able. If you still have a concern please contact the relevant Head of Department or Head of Year who will be happy to assist. We have three dedicated student support managers who are available to take your call when other staff may be in class teaching. They work closely as a team and will always try to facilitate a solution as soon as possible.
If you still have concerns, please ask the HoY or HoD to pass on your concerns to a member of the senior leadership team. It maybe that we can’t offer an instant solution but we may be able to listen to your concerns and design new policy and procedures to improve experiences for our young people. If you feel that you have exhausted every possible solution and would like to formalise your complaint please click the link below to follow our complaints procedure.
It is always nice to hear about when things are going well. If you would like to compliment or thank a member of staff in school we will always pass this on and celebrate when their hard work has been recognised. It also helps us to see things that we should keep on doing! You can let us know via a facebook message, email, phone call or letter. Thanks for working with us to make our school the best it can be for the young people in our care.