First and foremost, St. Joseph’s is a Roman Catholic School. Our mission commits us to respond to the message of the Gospels and the example of Jesus Christ, and to make this evident in all aspects of school life. Throughout the school year we offer pupils numerous opportunities to share liturgies, and we see this as central to the life of the school.

We had a mass on Induction Day, and a major item on the school calendar is the Year 7 Mass of Welcome, to which all parents are invited. We mark the end of each term with liturgies. We observe the Church’s calendar and, for example, we provide opportunities to say the Rosary in October, and follow the stations of the Cross in Lent. We hold Advent Services and Carol Services at Christmas in school and in the community. Lenten services are held during Holy Week.

We begin and end each day with a prayer, know as Sacred Space and most weeks there is a Year assembly or a Whole School assembly.