CEIAG Policy

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IMPACT of Careers Programme – progress against the GATSBY standards

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St Joseph’s students are fully supported and guided through the process of planning their futures. With a programme of education, information, advice and guidance for all students from Years 7 -11, we believe our students are well prepared for their futures. Staff at St Joseph’s play an active role in preparing them. A comprehensive programme of careers education that is delivered through national careers week, national apprenticeship week, enrichment activities, work experience, careers fairs, visits, trips and assemblies and also within individual departments and through tutor time. All pupils participate in  a progressive  Careers Development Day in September each year.

Note!   St Josephs tracks all pupils activities in school. Please email D Hancock for full list of activities. Please note due to evolving careers activities this may change.

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Work Experience

All pupils in Year 10 undertake a week work experience to give them an exciting opportunity to enter the world of work and which gives them a deeper understanding of the skills and aptitudes required in the workplace. The placement can be  organised by the pupils themselves allowing them to focus on areas of interest. Alternatively, pupils can select from a pre-approved list of placements that are sourced and supported by Tailored Education. Pupils benefit from completing detailed logbooks, health & safety briefing and a debrief upon return, where the pupils write a thank you letter as part of their English studies.

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Pupils in Year 8 are asked to arrange a ‘work shadowing day’ where they arrange to join a family member or family friend at work for the day and observe tasks undertaken and what it is like to out to work. This should take place on the December INSET day

Careers Consultations

Pupils in Year 8 will take part in a 30 minute 1:2:1 career consultation with the qualified Level 6 career’s adviser prior to their options. This will take place in December- January.

Careers Hub – Rotes after Year 11 – Animated film Presentation for Year 8 pupils

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All Year 11 pupils have at least one 1:2:1 careers consulatation with the Level 6 qualified career’s adviser September – February

Pupils in Year 7/9/10 can be referred for a 1:2:1 career guidance consultation with the qualified Level 6 Careers Adviser

  • A designated registered (CDI) Careers Leader (Mrs D Hancock)
  • SLT link for CEIAG (Mr M Singleton).
  • Careers Adviser who is dedicated to providing impartial careers information, advice, and guidance to students on all the options available to them.
  • Reporting to SLT and Governors.
  • A dedicated online platform providing a broad range of up-to-date information and online resources on key post-16 opportunities.
  • Attendance and active engagement at the Bolton CEIAG Hub.
  • Establishing and developing links with FE Colleges, apprenticeship providers, University Technical Colleges, and universities.
  • Establishing and developing links with employers.
  • Building a network of alumni
  • Evaluation through accreditation by the Quality in Careers Standard Award.
  • Tracking and evaluation of retention and destination data

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are a key element of the strategy St Josephs are actively working towards alongside the Careers and Enterprise Company to ensure the benchmarks are in place. They are as follows:

St Joseph’s now to be at full implementation in all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Further details of the National Careers Strategy and Gatsby Benchmarks can be found at Gatsby

The Gatsby Benchmarks

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  1. A Stable Careers Programme
  2. Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education
  8. Personal Guidance

Public sector apprenticeship target reporting

The percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after KS4 in 2023 is 97%.

Careers Lead Contact – The Careers Lead at St Joseph’s RC High School is Donna Hancock

A provider wishing to request access should contact Donna Hancock

Telephone: 01204 697456; Email: dhancock510@st-josephs.bolton.sch.uk


‘Quality in Careers Standard’

Inspiring IAG – ‘Quality in Careers Standard’ Award

Our ‘Quality in Careers Standard’ accreditation enables our school to gain recognition for our careers provision and good practice. The framework we follow ensures we are meeting national guidance and legislation, and it raises the profile of CE/IAG and supports its continuous improvement.

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Student Destination

St Josephs  are working towards the Inspiring IAG award.The  CEIAG quality award has  three stages to achieving the full award.Each stage also provides support and advice to help schools to develop their CEIAG offer whilst taking full consideration of Statutory Guidance, Gatsby Benchmarks and best practice. It provides a framework to ensure good practice is recognised and developments are pulled together in an action plan.

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Please find below links to some websites that you may find useful, including vacancies for apprenticeships, important careers in our world and post-16 choices.




Register and search for apprenticeship vacancies.


Jobs and apprenticeship vacancies in Greater Manchester.


For options and choices after Year 11.


Highlights careers that are important to the UK economy.


Watch and listen to hundreds of real life careers.

Ever think what the future will hold for you? Will the demand for new products and methods mean that our employment system changes?

Careers Guidance Interview

What is careers?

Careers is about young people finding purpose, discovering what matters to them, their place in the world, the point of studying and getting up in the morning. Sometimes people think careers is just information about options and planning for the future. It’s so much more. It can give hope, meaning, purpose, self-esteem and the ability to navigate the challenges of life….

So, what can you expect from your careers consulatation

All students are expected to have had at least one 1:2:1 personal guidance interview with a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser by age 16, offering support and advice and guidance. The aim of your career’s consultation is to help you move forward. It is not about telling you what to do or doing it for you! You can have as many consultations as you need. St Joseph’s offer 1:2:1 careers consulatation to Year 8(before options) Year 11 (before post 16 pathways)

A careers consultation can help with

  • Exploring the range of options available to you
  • Researching where to look for information to support your decision making
  • Planning out your career ideas and putting them into practice
  • Managing difficulties and setbacks with strategies such as back up plans
  • Deciding on an action plan for you and your careers adviser to work on
  • Parents/carer’s are welcome to attend the appointment should they wish to.

Lunch Time drop-in 

Pupils can call into the career’s office during break, lunchtime, or after school, for information, advice and guidance.

Alumni Network 

If you are a former pupil and able to offer us your support in any way, for example by mentoring current pupils, giving a talk in a subject linked to your career, conducting an aspiration interview to our year 11s, then please do get in touch by clicking here 

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Check out St. Joseph’s RC High School Alumni on Facebook

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Links for parents and pupils

Student Information

St Joseph’s through Compass plus records all careers’ activities, if any pupil would like to see these activities, please email Mrs Hancock in the careers department

News, information, and opportunities shared through the school website and Facebook page.

Options and Careers Evenings provide opportunities to share information and engage in dialogue with parents /carer.

Leader of Careers, Head of Year and SLT presence at parents. /Careers evenings

Parents/carer career evening information pack with feedback form at the back

Parents/carer are welcome to attend a 1-2-1 careers interview with son/daughter

Parents/carer input into work experience placements, through evaluations and discussions.

Text messages home informing parents/carer, of careers events

Mock Interview evening, preparation material for parents/carer preparing their child for their first interview. Work experience parent/carer information pack

Click on the links below for information on a variety of topics

Home – Curriculum for Life (curriculumforlifegm.co.uk) Useful information  to help pupils prepare for adulthood

GMACS | Inspire, Explore, Apply | The Greater Manchester Apprenticeship & Careers Service -s the one-stop-shop for young people living in Greater Manchester. Discover careers, pathways, wellbeing, transport & more.

The Careers Podcast • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters

National Apprenticeship Service

NHS Careers

I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! – A super-curricular science outreach education and engagement activity (imascientist.org.uk)

I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here! – An engineering education and engagement event! (imanengineer.org.uk)

I’m a Mathematician, Get me out of here! – A science enrichment education & engagement activity (imamathematician.uk)

Subject Pathways Useful Links

Careers Box

Careermag – Parents – Careermap

Support for parents and carer | My World of Work

Careers Advice for Parents – Youth Employment UK

A parents’ toolkit for career conversations (talkingfutures.org.uk)

National Careers Service

Labour Market Information (LMI) on certain careers or general information on jobs. Labour Market Information (LMI)   Careerometer – Careermap – 

Labour market overview, UK – Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

Careers advice – job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service

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Home – Careers At Sea



Money Matters


Careerometer - Ideas 4 Careers


Apprenticeship Vacancies – Damar Training



STEM Ambassadors - STEM

School Leaver Jobs - AllAboutSchoolLeavers



LMI For All


AFC Harrogate – British Army

Hospitality Guild – Hospitality Jobs, Careers and Training-Information and career tools aimed at raising awareness about careers in the hospitality sector.

Success at School - Careers advice for schools and students - Career advice for schools and students aged 13-19

Home – Future Morph - All about Science and Maths

Stem Careers – Information on Science and Engineering Careers

STEM Ambassadors - STEM

School Leaver Jobs - AllAboutSchoolLeavers

Other Useful Websites

Further/Higher Education Information

All pupils are invited to attend college transition days. These days are organised through our local colleges in the summer term for Year 10. Pupils will ‘sample’ different subject areas and learn about the different courses and facilities the colleges have to offer. These invaluable days help pupils to explore their options and prompt the start of the decision-making process about which subjects they may wish to pursue post 16.

Having a clear understanding of their predicted grades at this time enables them to explore the entry requirements for the different courses and make sure they understand in advance, the expectations of them by the end of Year 11.

Thinking about your future and the career path you are going to choose is one of the most important decisions you will probably ever make.  You spend the majority of your life in your place of work, so choosing the right qualifications and training is vital…

In order to assist our pupils to start to make those decisions, they can make an appointment with 

Mrs Hancock Registered L6 qualified Careers Lead/Careers adviser


01204 697456 ex 332

Mrs Hancock is based in the English block on the ground floor (just off the school hall).

  • To arrange an appointment for career guidance, speak to your head of year, form a tutor, or alternatively ask Mrs Hancock to arrange one for you.
  • Career Plans and Ideas; options choices; apprenticeships and training
  • Support pupils in choosing educational pathways that suit their interests and abilities
  • Help pupils follow appropriate career paths
  • To promote high aspirations and expectations in all our pupils, encourage participation in continued learning, higher education training or apprenticeships.

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Careers Education Information

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St Joseph’s actively encourages employers to get involved with our Careers Programme. If you would like to find out more information on how you can get involved with the school, please contact Donna Hancock Careers Leader at dhancock510@st-josephs.bolton.sch.uk

What’s in it for you?

  • You can inspire talented young people to work for you/your sector
  • Make a positive impact whilst raising of your company’s profile
  • Giving something back to your local community
  • It’s great for staff development. Employees who do talks at school or mentor work placements will grow in confidence and gain a sense of achievement supporting a young person
  • Developing their planning communication and presentation skills
  • Chance to network with other organisations

Below are some ways to get involved at St Joeys

  • Year 11   Hopes, Dreams & Aspirations Interviews 

St Joseph’s annual dreams and aspirations interviews scheme is supported by local businesses, higher/further education /apprenticeship providers, staff, pupils and parents. If you would like to support this event, please contact Donna Hancock Careers Leader at dhancock510@st-josephs.bolton.sch.uk

What is Hopes, Dreams & Aspirations Interview?

The hopes, dreams and aspirations interviews will take place after year 11 receive their PPE results in January, is a simulation of a job interview that is undertaken in order to train the interviewee for the real thing. The interview seeks to replicate the conditions of the real experience as closely as possible. The purpose of the interview is too advice pupils on careers, qualifications, expectations and realities of the job market and where their GCSE can take them.

  • Careers Education Information Advice & guidance Evening

Year 10 /Year 11

St Joseph’s Annual CEIAG in September, for all Year 10 /Year 11.

What is the Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance Evening/(CEIAG)

CEIAG allow school to bring leaders from fast-growing local businesses into schools.

Companies will /Colleges/6th Forms/Apprenticeships and training providers set up stalls so that students are able to informally approach lots of different employers and talk to them personally. It is important to note that there should be no expectations of any job opportunities being offered by business leaders at a career fair but is a great way for students to experience a wide range of businesses in their local community and for businesses to begin to build their talent pipeline.

CEIAG evenings are an excellent way for students to hear what local companies have on offer. Students can talk to different employers, gain an understanding of what their jobs entail or the different roles available, and the skills that are needed to be successful in today’s economy. Pupils also get the chance to talk to Further/Higher education providers

  • Offering Work Experience placements to our pupils to enhance and raise aspiration about future careers
  • Inspirational careers assemblies

Companies that have already supported St Joseph’s careers programme include DWP, Tailored Education, 2Engage, Stateside Foods, Alliance Learning, Army, Navy, RAF, Keoghs, Premex, Wigan Warriors, Manchester International Football Academy, Thomas Herbert Hairdressing, Willmott Dixon Construction Company

If you would like to help in supporting our wonderful St Josephs  pupils please contact Donna Hancock Careers Leader at dhancock510@st-josephs.bolton.sch.uk

Student Information

T-Level- The Next Level Qualification

T-Levels are new courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels.

 These 2-year courses, which launched September 2020, have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study.

T-Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days)

Please click link below for more information

T Levels | The Next Level Qualification


Mrs Hancock is available in the Careers Office (ground floor, English block) for all students to access support & guidance.

Please note: Lesson times are only for pre-booked interviews/appointments.

Please feel free to call in at the times shown below.

Opening times:                   Monday- Friday 

Before School:                    8.00 – 8.30am

Break:                                 10.45 – 11am

Lunch:                                  1.30 – 1.45pm

After school:                         2.45 – 4pm

  • Careers 1:1 Interviews (sign up in careers and we will book a suitable time)
  • General information and advice about any Careers you would like to explore.
  • Options available to you Post 16
  • Support or guidance with searching for courses, apprenticeships and training providers
  • Help with UCAS applications process/ profile
  • Help or guidance on CV writing

Careers Resources

 Please see below a list of career resource links to a range of excellent career websites and resources which you can access.

Unifrog -The Complete Destinations Platform for Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

Provide pupils with information on their full range of opportunities. Pupils should use these portals as part of their careers advice and guidance provision. Pupils can access information on every post 16 and post 18 opportunity available to them across the UK. It’s easy to navigate and allows the pupil to make sound choices about their next destination.

St Joseph’s subscribes to ‘Unifrog’ which all pupils have access to. This allows students to easily search for university courses and all available apprenticeships across the country. Students can compare courses and apprenticeship opportunities to tailor to their individual strengths and areas of interest. Employers from Unifrog come

into school to speak with each year group at a relevant time to enable them to make the most of the resource. Unifrog has a careers library with information about a wide range of careers, salaries and routes into the career. Students utilise unifrog to construct their CV, Personal Statement, record key competencies and engagement in activities

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Unifrog  Competency tool 

Unifrog CV tool

Unifrog Apprenticeship tool

Unifrog University tool

Unifrog College / Sixth Form tool 

Personality Quiz

Please see Mrs Hancock in the careers department (ground floor English block) if you need any guidance 

Please feel free to contact Mrs Hancock, Careers Lead if you require any

  • Information, advice or guidance.
  • Queries about up-and-coming career events
  • Your son/daughters career aspirations
  • Post 16 progression
  • Provide feedback on any careers event


Researching a career: Search – FutureLearn careers

Local Government Jobs: http://www.lgcnet.com/

Academic Careers Vacancieshttp://www.academiccareers.com/

Appointments for Teachers: http://www.eteach.com/

Appointments for Teachershttp://www.tes.co.uk/

Healthcare Jobs: www.nhscareers.nhs.uk

British Veterinary Associationhttp://www.bva.co.uk/


Institute of Plumbinghttp://www.ciphe.org.uk/

Industry Training Boardhttp://www.ecitb.org.uk/

Institute of Civil Engineers: http://www.ice.org.uk/homepage/index.asp

Construction and Engineering

Construction Is A Career Like No Other | Go Construct

CITB Apprenticeships – CITB

STEM Ambassadors | STEM

Engineering Futures | Courses

Free Skills, Job and Career Growth Learning – SkillsBuild Program – IBM.org

Gradcracker – Careers for STEM Students


Apprenticeships, School Leaver Jobs & Reviews _ RateMyApprenticeship

All the information is available through the BAE Website

Apprenticeships UK – Advice for parents and young people looking for an alternative to University

About ASK – Amazing Apprenticeships


Apprenticeships Archives _ Babington


Hire An Apprentice – Apprenticeships can help your business grow, offering tailored and cost-effective training for new and current staff

Please click on the links below


Click the link to view –UNIVERISTY LIVE CHATS.docx

Local University Websites

Home – GM Higher

Chat to the Ambassador team at Manchester University about Higher Education and student life Great Manchester Higher Ask Us – GM Higher

Universities and Colleges Admissions Service: http://www.ucas.co.uk/

University of Central Lancashire: http://www.uclan.ac.uk/

Lancaster University: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/

University of Liverpoolhttp://www.liv.ac.uk/

Liverpool John Moores Universityhttp://www.livjm.ac.uk/

Liverpool Hope College: http://www.hope.ac.uk/

Edge Hill Collegehttp://www.edgehill.ac.uk/

The Liverpool Institute for performing arts: http://www.lipa.ac.uk

The University of Manchesterhttp://www.manchester.ac.uk/

The Manchester Metropolitan University: http://www.mmu.ac.uk

The Russell Group’s 24 members are world-class, research-intensive universities. They are unique institutions, each with their own history and ethos, but they share some distinguishing characteristics.

Russell Group _ Our universities


Careers & Personal Development Portal – University (google.com)