All Parents and Staff are automatically members of the PSA which meets regularly in school.  Our PSA has a large involvement in many school activities and is a valuable part of our school community. It is a thriving organisation which holds regular social, fundraising and educational events.

The most important features of its work is to foster good relationships between home and school, providing a valuable channel of communications as regular business meetings can be used as a forum for debate.

On average the PSA raises approximately £10,000 per year for the school.  Events over the past years have included: Parent Classes, Car Boot Sales, Cheese and Wine Evenings, Christmas and Summer Fairs, Family Fun Days, Fashion Shows, Themed Nights, Talent Shows, Race Nights, Hair and Beauty Evenings, Quiz Nights, Trips and The Great Weather Game (A lottery game to provide a regular income).

Please look at our sub-category pages to find all of the PSA documents and minutes and events that the PSA are organising. Upcoming dates are listed below.